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OfSTED Report

Our most recent inspection was in June 2022. You can read the full report here. Our overall judgement was Good. We were delighted with the report and the inspectors recognised many of the qualities we have at St Mary’s. Some quotes from the report are listed below.

“Pupils enjoy attending this welcoming and inclusive school.”

“The whole school community has high expectations of what pupils can achieve. Staff put in place strong pastoral support. Most parents are appreciative of the school’s caring ethos.“

“Pupils like coming to school. They appreciate the range of opportunities the school provides beyond the classroom, including music, sport, residential trips and visits.”

“Pupils are polite and courteous to each other. They behave well in lessons and around the school.”

“Pupils understand the importance of being respectful and tolerant. They know what it means to be a friend.”

“Leaders are ambitious for all pupils. This ambition is shared across the whole school community. Staff value the teamwork ethos and how leaders support their well- being. They are proud to work at the school.”

“Leaders ensure there is a sharp focus on reading. As soon as children start in Reception, they develop a love of reading.”

“Older pupils enjoy reading. One pupil described reading as taking them ‘to magical places to use their imagination’.”

“Pupils know how the school expects them to behave. They have positive attitudes to their learning. Consequently, the school is a calm and purposeful place to learn.”

“Staff act in the best interests of keeping children safe. Leaders ensure that all staff are trained to be vigilant.”