Welcome to our new website

Year 1

Year One is taught by Miss Bennett.

Please see below a ‘Knowledge Organiser’ for the Spring Term for year 1. It contains the key knowledge that you child will be learning this term. It also show prior knowledge that will help your child be ready for the unit of work. Alongside this the vocabulary your child will be using as part of the unit of work is also listed.

Looking at this will enable you to support your child’s learning and it can also be used together with your child to discuss their learning.
Computing resources that link to our learning in class:

painting and typing: paintz.app
mouse skills: ncce.io/drag

IXL log-in: https://uk.ixl.com/signin/plymouthcast

Some useful maths games:

Play Whack-a-mole to practise counting in 1s or 2s or 5s. Use the sliders in the top left corner to choose where to start and what to count in.
Or play caterpillar counting to order numbers.
Or play Hit the Button to practise number bonds.
Practise telling the time with Hickory Dickory Clock.
Use Maths Train to practice addition, subtraction, number bonds and doubles.
Helicopter Rescue is great for counting and place value.
Use tens and ones to make 2-digit numbers with Place Value Basketball.
Practice counting and number recognition on splat square.
Have fun using number bonds to make 10.